The ZEISS EVO series offers you the combination of High Definition Scanning Electron Microscopy with intuitive ease of use with either a tungsten or LaB6 cathode
Benefit from Zeiss many years of experience in imaging under high vacuum (HV), variable pressure (VP) and extended pressure (EP). Significant improvements in signal yield and contrast ratio are the first step towards increasing imaging efficiency. The Zeiss EVO is an easy-to-use, highly flexible and high-resolution imaging and analysis tool and delivers fast, accurate and reproducible results of all samples, whether in the field of materials science (with the EVO MA) or in the field of biology (EVO LS). Especially with the SmartSEM Touch software for intuitive operation, you improve productivity and reduce the training effort for less experienced users. Enable all users to generate excellent images and process your visual inspection workflows in high throughput.
A choice of chamber sizes and detectors allows you to optimally configure the instrument for your samples and at Gloor Instruments we can offer you the complete package with accessories, installation and service.
A comparison between tabletop microscopes and the Zeiss EVO can be found at hier.
Contact person
Phone: +41 44 940 99 55

Christoph Mareischen