Alpha300 ACCESS
The alpha300 access is a micro-Raman microscope for single point analysis and Raman mapping. It was specially designed for customers who operate within a tight budget but still have high demands on the device. That is why access uses the proven and excellent optical components from WITec. This can ensure outstanding spectral quality, excellent optical light throughput and high signal sensitivity.
Those who choose the latest WITec alpha300 product, will not have to make any compromises in terms of quality. The proven optical components from WITec are also used here. Like all WITec products, the alpha300 access can be fully retrofitted and expanded. Thanks to the modular design principle of WITec microscopes, it is possible to combine different technologies in one instrument at any time. Additional functions can be integrated into the devices. This keeps you flexible and allows you to react quickly to future developments.
Contact person
Phone: +41 44 940 99 55

Christoph Mareischen