Raman microscopy AFM
High-performance, user-friendly atomic force microscopy for materials science, life science and nanotechnology.
The alpha300 A AFM system includes a scientific, optical microscope that is ideally suited for first-class sample observation and high-resolution sample examinations. A special AFM objective provides a high resolution simultaneous view of the sample and the AFM tip cantilever. This allows the cantilever to be precisely positioned and the measuring device to be adapted to the specific sample. Due to the user-friendliness and versatility of the alpha300 A, a wide range of scientific questions can be successfully addressed.
Contact, AC, magnetic force, nanolithography, and temperature-controlled modes are feasible with the alpha300 A. This ensures maximum flexibility across the entire range of AFM applications.
The alpha300 A is perfectly adapted to the examination of topographic structures at the highest resolution. It delivers the best results, regardless of the environment (e.g. air, liquid) or the sample properties. Even challenging or soft samples can be examined. The alpha300 A is also equipped with Pulsed Force mode. This allows surface properties, such as local adhesion or stiffness, to be displayed together with the topography on a nanometer scale. This is particularly important for materials research.
Contact person
Phone: +41 44 940 99 55

Christoph Mareischen