Raman microscopy SNOM
SNOM - limitless imaging with outstanding resolving power.
WITec's alpha300 S includes a confocal microscope, a scanning near-field optical microscope (SNOM) and an atomic force microscope (AFM) combined in a single instrument. Simply rotate the nosepiece to switch between confocal microscopy, SNOM and AFM.
The alpha300 S uses unique, patented cantilever SNOM sensors. These are micro-engineered using a special process and significantly surpass previously known fiber optic probes in resolution, transmission, ease of use and reliability.
A hollow pyramid with an opening at the tip is attached to the SNOM cantilever, through which the laser beam is focused and the optical near field is generated. In addition, the cantilever is used to control the distance between the sample and the holder according to the beam deflection principle. This allows topographic information to be collected and displayed simultaneously with the optical images.
Contact person
Phone: +41 44 940 99 55

Christoph Mareischen