Crossbeam 350/550

Scanning electron microscopes FIB-SEM
Scanning Electron Microscopes with Focused ion beam, or FIB-SEM for short, from Carl Zeiss combine the 3D imaging and analysis capabilities of the GEMINI electron column with the capabilities of a FIB for nanoscale materials processing and sample preparation.
Accelerate your tomography workflows: use up to 100 nA FIB current with the excellent point profile to close the gap between micro and nano patterning.
With Crossbeam, you combine the imaging and analysis power of the GEMINI electron column with the materials processing and sample preparation power of a next-generation nanoscale FIB. Use the modular platform concept of our FIB-SEM microscopes and the open, easily accessible software architecture for high-throughput nanotomography and nanofabrication for the most challenging, conductive or magnetic samples.